Fountain Hills Post Office Renamed...

On Thursday October 5, a ceremony was held to rename the Fountain Hills Post Office after Dr. C. T. Wright who served as President of the FHRC during one of the three times our club was awarded Best Republican Club or Organization in the state by the AZ GOP Chair. Dr. Wright was the club's chaplain for at least 15 years and received the most votes as a State Committeeman. He was the Vice President of the Arizona American African Republican Committee. Dr. Wright was well known throughout Arizona, the nation and the continent of Africa. He was a civil rights leader and lead two different Universities as their President. He gave the invocation during at Trump rallies and his booming voice was heard at the Club's monthly meeting when he took to the podium and rocked the room with "Good Morn-i-n-g FH Republicans"!

The great honor of the renaming of the P.O. was guided through Congress by US Representative Schweikert. Following the official reception, the FHRC host a reception at the American Legion Post 58 to honor one of our own and to show the 6 family members of Dr Wright's family that we loved, respected and appreciated him and his leadership. Below is a photograph of some of those who attended the Legion reception.

Now accepting membership renewal dues for calendar year 2025.

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Brief History of FHRC Scholarship Activities

Thomas Jefferson said, “An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people “.  The Fountain Hills Republican Club believes this statement is very true.  

The Club established a scholarship fund to help our graduating seniors go on to college many years ago.  The education committee each year reviewed criteria for the scholarships and it varied frequently.  It was noted that not only graduating seniors wanted to go to college but adults in the work force were considering going back to school, so for a time both were included.  There were times the scholarships were offered only for trade school aspirants.  

The Club is very interested in knowing the applicants so elected not to put our scholarships into the Golden Eagle organization that does all the selecting of winners from criteria offered by the funding organization.  A member of the education committee goes with the Golden Eagle presenters when they present to graduating seniors their offerings and explains our offering.  Those that apply are individually interviewed by education committee members and the winners are selected within that group. 

 Unfortunately applications dropped significantly and the Club reconsidered where to place the funds.  In recent times the funds have gone to two large entities that provide excellent programs for young people.

Current times have prompted discussion within the Club to again offer scholarships locally to our graduating seniors.  The goal is to raise enough funds to continue the funding of the large institutions as well as offer scholarships locally.


Opportunity to renew memberships and buy PICNIC TICKETS!



"Saturday Coffee and Donuts Get-Together"

8:30-9:00 am Arrive Time

Euro Pizza
12645 N Saguaro BLVD, #11

No-host coffee, donuts, and other delicious pastries!


"Fountain Hills Republican Club Social"


Tap House Bar and Grill
16828 E Parkway Ave, Fountain Hills AZ 85268

11No speeches - just good company!